This palm plant sits out on our back porch where the temperature was 42 this morning! What the heck????
Here are some of the cast members who go there every morning.

When we got home I started mowing the lawn...of course I had my camera with and everytime I went past the horses, took pictures. It's such a handsome herd of geriatrics (except for 10 year old Abbe of course). Target and Berlin are above.
Berlin (24) the horse I ride 99% of the time. 3/4 Trakehner...shorty!!!
I took lots of pictures of Target today. He is a 26 year old Thoroughbred and is mostly ridden by our daughter, Jennifer.

Here he is again....and again.
one more time....
This is the lane I was mowing. It runs next to the outdoor ring and the back pasture.
Could the day be more gorgeous?

This is my favorite shot of Target. What a handsome boy.
Berlin is looking out back for some deer.
Abbe is just looking for tasty clover blossoms.
Winnie is finally starting to put on a little more weight.
Abbe and Masterpiece are taking a break.
Are you horsed out yet?
OK...We have huge trees around our property, I can't imagine how old they are.
The iris are coming on strong now.
AND I FINALLY DID SOME LONG LINING WITH ABBE! What a delinquent I have been. The party is over and now I have to do it everyday.

After evening chores, I went down to the Welcome Center where Gary had Harbor Duty. I picked up some New York Style PIZZA and Gucci, Phoebe and I joined him for dinner (if you want to call it that). Now, I am going out to put my ponies in the barn. Night all!
Love days that start cool warm up and cool down for the evening ...
I was wondering at what point do the horses become too old to ride? Do all of your horse get ridden by someone? They look just beautiful.
Target is stunningly beautiful, and what a youth! :-) I keep smiling when I read about your horses, for here in Niger, people consider Arwen (8) old! Just wait until they meet Isolde whom I hope will be ravishingly beautiful all the way up to her late twenties!! :-) Nine months today. Time flies, doesn't it?
Looking forward to following your progress with Abbe! Do you ever ride her like the other horses, or will she be an exclusive carriage horse?
What an idyllic life.
Your horses are beautiful and look happy and well-cared for.
Nice day. Target seems kind.
With the spring, we have many things to do outside (cut the grass, putting ashes around the strawberries to prevent them from be eaten by the slugs and they succeed in eating some before us, pouring water when the weather is too dry... )
And after a day of labour, it is 9 p.M. when we stop and we are tired and we go to bed.
Many of us are tired nowadays. I suppose it's because the weather changes much. We entering the summer.
Have good times
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