This afternoon I ran into this dynamic duo at Wegmans. Bob, the one on the left, and his 3 kids have been friends of our family for about 40 years!!!! The person on the right is Bill Stewart. He is the artist that produced all the sculpture I have been posting. He started teaching in Brockport at the same time I did. He was in the Art Department at the College and I was at the Campus School (where his wife was teaching). If I tell you what year that was, you are going to know I am very OLD.

It is very nice waking up in the morning to the blossoms on the Christmas Cactus in our bedroom. Why it is blooming now I will never know.

Every time I open the door to the indoor, the pigeons go in and make a mess. If you click on this picture to enlarge it, you can see two of them. They drive me nuts!

By the time I was ready to go in the house, the wind was picking up. I'm hoping the weatherman is wrong and all the snow melts before it hits the ground. My paddock is a big mudhole.

I'm taking the rest of the night off. Good night John Boy. Good night Bob. Good night Wild Bill.
what a cool sculpture! love your music
Couldn't you get a live trap from the dog pound to catch the pigeons and then release them far, far away? Or are there too many? Are you allowed to shoot them? (Not sure if you are the hunting type...please don't be offended...I think we just see things differently here in AK). The cactus bloom is beautiful.
Woooo Hoooo! Those are two really sexy guys! ;) This post just made my day Lori-- I literally laughed out loud when I saw my dad and Bill staring back at me from the computer screen. Thank you so much!
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