Sounds good to me!
Even tho the sun is out and the temperature is rising, there is still ice in the shadow of the fence rails.

Finn had a fever and didn't go to school today. Kevin had a dentist appointment, so the kids came up to the farm for a couple of hours. After lunch they had some couch time.

When they left, I went outside and started on the second batch of bamboo. Just how much can you put on one wheelbarrow?

After that was done (Gary helped me finish), we moved on to a forsythia bush that was way overgrown...3 more wheelbarrows....

We have an enormous black walnut tree that drops hundreds and hundreds of nuts. He raked them all into piles so we can get them off the grass.

Then it was on to evening chores. Masterpiece (looking his best) was anxious to come in to eat.
Believe me, I am tired!!!! and tomorrow is another day....
Just one more thing....I want to welcome three new followers, THE FAR SIDE OF FIFTY, CHICKEN HERDER and Nea from A NORTH EAST ANGLE.
That shot of the ice in the rails shadow was soo cool Lori!
What a nice day...Love to see all you do and all the animals too~
I agree, the "ice rails" was an awesome shot. One so easily over-looked, but you caught it! I like the shot of Masterpiece. Unique. Oh, raking. I am so jealous. Raking is one of my all-time favorite things to do. I rake until my shoulders completely give out. My next favorite is shoveling dirt. And then packing rocks. I love summer, outdoor, hard-working activites. The rest of the year I'm pretty much inside and lazy! :) I need to live somewhere my outside time is longer! Your yard is looking beautiful.
It's nice to see spring, isn't it? But there are always a lot of cleanup chores after the thaw. Our horses are muddy, too, but they seem to like it just fine.
Hi Lori,
I feel so much at home when reading your blog. The country and weather seem to be much the same. I love visiting with all your critters, two legged, four legged, large and small. I have to agree with the ladies, the photo of the ice and fence rails is a great capture! Thanks for visiting and sharing your world.
Have a great week.
Sigh some people have quite the life! Farm, horses, open air,little happy fur babies running around! What a wonderful life..sigh! You are surely blessed!I enjoyed my visit here! Nice to meet you and your farm friends!:)NG
Just looking at all the work makes me think about my own yard. I need to get out there - as soon as it stops raining!
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