Yaaahhh...what did you do that was Irish?
A very beautiful sunrise this morning. I can't believe how many I have photographed in the past year.

Once again I fed the horses in the pasture where it was nice and warm by 9:30. It went up to 60 today...if not a little higher.

Here are the beautiful "sheets in waiting." By Thursday they will have to go back on with the drop in temperature. The plaid sheet on the right was worn by Abbe one time and look what she did to it!!!!

At 10:30 I put the dogs in the car and drove out to Batavia for a dentist appointment...teeth cleaning time...They love to go on errands with me and are happy to sack out in the car.

On the way back I drove by this very popular family restaurant. If you are looking for "townie" spots, this area is loaded with them.

I was just about to go across the railroad tracks in Bergen when a train went by. This building was rebuilt recently and has added a nice look to the village. I can't remember what they manufacture there.

This is the front view.
I got home about an hour before my class started and had to do some cleaning up. Just because I was short on time, the horses had to give me some extra work. I looked out the window and they were all in the big pasture!!!!that I have been keeping them off until it dries out more. They knocked down two boards and let themselves in...and as per usual, they were so excited they ran around and punched it all up! Now I had 10 minutes to put the boards back up and finish getting ready. They won! I changed the gates around and left them in there.

As usual, my students are knocking my socks off. Izzy is really coming along...his eyes are piercing.
Connie's pear has such a great form...
Today my first orchid blossomed. When I bought it, it was in bloom and nothing has happened for months...until now. I would love to get more.

I spent an hour before evening chores picking pastures. It is the first time Gucci has spent so much time with me out in the barn area. She was pretty good for the most part...thinks barking at a horses head is appropriate. Fortunately they are very used to Phoebe. Gucci walks right under their bellies.

After chores, the sunset was lookin' good. I'm toast for the rest of the night! Ciao....
I would hope forever, but I know the heat will come eventually. This is beautiful though.
Were you riding that motorcycle? Or just thinking about it? :) The yard cleaned up so nicely....beautiful. Enjoy your weather!
What a perfectly perfect life you live! :) The horses and dogs are just awesome. We've been talking about a horse...but where does a guy go learn? I mean, I can't just buy a horse and wing it. I have to learn how to care for one, build a home for one...and then get one. So how did you get started? Your artists are fabulous. I would love to take an art class from you. I cannot draw or paint, but would love to try. Especially in your very cool house! Silly horses getting out. Just like a bunch of teenagers! :) I hope tomorrow is just as fun for you.
Justine's comments on yesterdays transportation "I saddled up and rode 100 horses (HP) to the farm, saddled up and rode one sweet horse and then rode 100 horses home." She also said, "motorcycle and riding my horse a PERFECT DAY, it must be I only enjoy transportation I can fall off of", that made me gulp.
Gayle, take lessons if you can, lease before you buy to test your committment, resolve and learn what's involved. I think I'm the only male I know that takes lessons/rides, but enjoy it anyway. A great stress reliever and puts life in perspective when you can become one with the horse.
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