Friday, September 27, 2024

Another Day...

Nothing out of the ordinary today.  Our house guest arrived just before midnight last problems with her flight.  Speaking of flights....Jenny returned from Sweden tonight about 15 minutes ago.  She is pooped.  Had a 4 hour layover at Kennedy Airport in NYC.

The boys were both looking good this morning.
After chores I went down to Wegmans to pick up about 6 items and came home with three full bags.
In October, a friend of Gary's is coming to the college for THE WRITERS FORUM as a presenter and he and his wife will be staying with us for several days.  Such an interesting guy!  Can't wait to meet him in person.
He has written several books and will be speaking at the Historical Society as well as on the radio with Evan Dawson.  He will be very busy!

Gary used to take seed garlic to him many years ago, when Stephanie and family lived in Long Beach and he could visit them too.
Today the rest of the tomato plants were pulled and we saved the green ones.  The ginormous sunflowers were also removed from the back garden.  We still have a ton of peppers and tomatoes in the raised beds.
Little Wonder and I got in some nap time this afternoon.
I did manage to make a peach Betty.

Leftover squash/apple soup for dinner.

Now it's almost dark when I go out a little before 7 and my pictures sure look different.

Little Wonder assisted.

The sky to the North was vibrant.
Night all.


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