Monday, April 8, 2024

The Eclipse

Of course there were many clouds in the sky today so we were not able to see the moon covering the sun....but that was ok.

The sunrise was a beauty.

As the day went on, the cloud cover grew thicker.
I finished chores just as our guests were leaving for Brockport and they were kind enough to let me take a few photos.
Their days have been very full and today was no exception.
We have really enjoyed their company, even tho they have not been able to spend much time here.
I had to deposit a check at the bank so Little Wonder and I ventured out for a short cruise.  After all the hype about the thousands of people who were going to be in our town, it was awfully quiet.  I took a ride around the college and the village (a little after 11am) and it was pretty dead.

The grass on our south lawn was looking like a pasture, so I mowed it this afternoon.
Also prepared some ham and scalloped potatoes for dinner.

Around 3pm we went outside and it looked like this.  The sun was nowhere in sight.
By 3:18 it started to get darker and the boys were in the front paddock.
By 3:20 Rebel was disappearing....
and by 3:22 it was pretty dark.

By 3:23 it started to get lighter.
The whole experience was very eerie and showed me the power of the universe.
Gary continued working out in the yard and I got dinner ready.  

Of course the sun was out by chore time.

I'd say the temperature got up to at least 60 degrees and we may be in the 70s tomorrow.  The farrier will be here at 9:30 to trim the boys.  Little Wonder was outside with us during the eclipse and I'm sure he and the horses had no clue about what was going on when it got dark.
Night all.
March Madness ends tonight with the men's final and it does not start until 9:20.  I'll be lucky to stay awake for the entire game.



  1. The eclipse was phenomenal to experience even with the clouds. So eerie how quiet it got when it went to total darkness. No cars on road, no birds chirping as we were in the yard sitting for an hour or so with our snacks waiting and the birds were fluttering all around singing. then nothing. So happy there were no traffic issues around our areas. Kathy

  2. The thousands you expected had probably all gone to Niagara !!! Eerie when it gets so dark in the afternoon. Love that spooky green glow, maybe the monsters were hiding somewhere close by.

  3. Awesome! When it got a bit dimmer here, the Robins sang their night time song and the sparrows got quiet. The mules did nothing but graze and wonder what I was doing.

    We didn't have a total, but I bet that was amazing to see.


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