Sunday, April 7, 2024

Major Shedding

What a day.  Could not ask for more perfect weather.

After chores I dragged the indoor as a neighbor was bringing her horse over to do some ground work.
Little Wonder assisted.

As you can see, we still have some water in the pasture.
Before going back to the house I took the sheets off Rebel and Buddy....hoping that they won't need them again until fall.  That should put the whammy on it.

Merlin and Jen arrived at 11.
He is one big boy....and so mellow today.
He does a few tricks.

They worked for over an hour and then left.

At 3, Gary and I watched the Women's Finals basketball game, rooting for Iowa.  Unfortunately they lost to South Carolina.....they have won 38 straight games in a row and were solid.
I must say....however, that Caitlin Clark (Iowa) changed women's basketball and she is a real star!
 Not in the mood to make a serious dinner so we just had white hots, baked beans and coleslaw.

The light was beautiful when I went out to tuck the boys in.

I used a shedding blade on both after they were in their stalls and got a ton of hair off each of them.  Back in the house and waiting for our guests to return so I can take their pictures.
I grabbed this one last night.  Penny is from Rhode Island and she brought along this AMAZING blanket that she is crocheting.  It's cotton and by the time she finishes it, it will have taken her almost 10 months.  So talented!!!!  And patient!

Night all.



  1. Wow, so much going on! That is one really huge horse! He seems to be a doll too!

    Hope all goes well today.

  2. Merlin is a beautiful Percheron. We had rain all day yesterday. Badly needed. That


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