Tuesday, April 9, 2024

79 Degrees

What a spectacular change in the weather.

Our guests left by 8:30am.  All four of them were such a pleasure, I wish we could have spent more time with them.  You never know how things will go.  Do they like the farm and accommodations?  Do they seem like a good fit for us?  So funny....as they were leaving, Ken asked where he could send a review!
 I finished chores and Gary started on the laundry.
I put halters on the boys as the farrier was coming at 9:30.

I had already groomed them, and didn't Rebel roll just before she arrived.

I opened up the grooming room and gave a whistle.  Buddy came in first and went right into a stall.  Rebel followed.  No lead rope....no nothing.  They are so sweet.

Jessy arrived and in no time they were all set.  Both were perfect gentlemen.

She is so good with the horses.
After they were turned out, they both ended up getting a drink at the same time.  That was a first.

Little Wonder was feeling the heat.
Instead of going in the house, I mowed the rest of the lawn.  The rhubarb is perking up.

Picked some fresh flowers for the kitchen table.  We are loaded and every single one is yellow.

Gary had a load of mulch delivered and he started wheeling it over to the raised beds.  He had already put in a lot of aged horse manure and they needed to be topped off.

Leftovers for dinner.

It was still in the 70s at evening chore time.

Night all.



  1. your days are what we call " Drawing out" so quickly, and down here, now daylight savings !!! has ended, it is so much darker a lot earlier at night. I can see the B&B was a huge success, do you have a guest book? I look back at ours from our previous home, and the memories in there are still so real.

  2. Looks like you had a successful visit! Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves.

    The weather will change here too for some warmth. Looks like April cannot make its mind up.

    Enjoy these beautiful days.

  3. 79! wowza. Of course Rebel rolled, he's gotta do what he's gotta do. I'm glad the guests worked out well for you, you and Gary are gracious people.


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