Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Another Record Breaker

Can't complain about the weather today.  No spectacular sunrise....but......

Little Wonder was really in his morning groove today.
It was pretty close to 50 when we got out to the barn.

Gary went to yoga and had lunch with the Geezers,  then he put together his second raised bed.
This afternoon Rebel and Buddy were enjoying the rays.

I spent 6 hours in the library trying to organize the shelves on my side and that included getting rid of at least 40 pounds of papers plus some other junk.  Maybe it will motivate me to start with the big purge.  I have about 30 books ready to go to the library.
Gary finished the second bed and has one more to go.
Chore time....in the low 60s.

We were lasagnaYad out so I drove down to Brockport for some Chinese.
Sesame chicken.
Night all.
Stephanie's birthday is coming up so I picked out a card drawn by one of my students while I was still teaching in the Studio (a long time ago).  At the time I had cards printed and we  sold them at a local gallery.  So glad I found a box of them while I was cleaning out today.  
This is Barber's Grill and Tap Room.



  1. Looks like a beautiful day.

    We had a nice day here too. The weather was quiet today.

  2. Your pup sure enjoys posing for a photo shoot, he is a natural before the camera and a cutie.

  3. I showed Mark photos of LW yesterday and another heart was stolen! It's going to be about 50 today. Gary is one busy guy. So are you.


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