Monday, March 4, 2024

70 Degrees

I woke up early again and this was how the sunrise looked at 6:15am.

After our usual start, we headed out to the barn.  No jacket for LW today.
I took off the boy's sheets....
and put their hay in the sunshine.

It warmed up quickly and we actually sat out on the back porch to catch some rays.

I had an appointment with my massage therapist at noon and when I got back to the farm Gary was working on one of his raised beds.
Who would guess he could do this so early in March?
Little Wonder kept us company and was feeling the heat.  Wait until this summer!

Of course the horses were caked with mud when I went out for evening chores.

Dinner was an instant replay, but this time the salad was made with spinach.

Night all.



  1. I hung out clothes on my clothesline. Who would think they’d dry in early March. Kathy

  2. March is surely confused. Sunday was in the 70's, Monday went from cool to sleet to thunderstorms to freezing.

    Looks like you had a great day!

  3. What self respecting horse would miss a mud rolling opportunity! Gary has lots of beds, he is high energy. We are now in the 40s. This is usually our big snow month.


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