Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Felt Like March Today....

 42 degrees and raining.  The boys needed their rain sheets today.

By the time I finished the stalls, fog had rolled in.

Flowers were pushing through the dirt all over the place.

We even had another beauty in the house.
Mid morning Little Wonder and I took a ride out to Hilton to pick up some stuff at a deli.

He was like a little kid in the back seat....
and wanted me to say "hello" to Sandra and Mark out in Minnesota.
It was still foggy on the way home.
Rehearsal at 1.  Most of the songs we worked on were new.  Yay!

During our practice I got a call saying my new glasses were ready to be picked up so I went down for a 4pm appointment.  Also ordered some reading glasses so I would have a spare.  Chores a little early as the boys had been rained on.

We finally finished the lasagna tonight.   I have two more containers frozen in the frig and we won't eat them for awhile!
Night all.


  1. Hello Little Wonder!

    It's cloudy today, its been sunny. I think I will have to make a lasagna soon. I'm looking forward to hearing your new music.

  2. Looks a bit dreary but not too bad. We are hoping for some rain here.

    Yum, your meals always look so exceptional!

    Hello LW!


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