Saturday, January 6, 2024

Headed Our Way

Grey.  In the 20s.

After chores I drove to Brockport for a long overdue haircut and stopped at Wegmans on the way home.  Along with the groceries, I bought a "Danny's Favorite" sub for our lunch.  Gary was very's been a long time.
We had just enough time to eat before going to the library for a caucus.
Gary and I have been on the Democratic Committee for a couple of decades and today we listened to many candidates for Judge Positions, the Supreme Court, County Clerk and Congressman.

Jaime (running for County Clerk)... and Joe Morelle, our Congressman from this district, are friends and outstanding candidates.  It's always a pleasure to get some inside scoop as to what is going on at the county and federal level.
On the way home it started to snow.  I gave Rebel and Buddy some extra hay.

This is the first day in ages, that Gary and I did not take an afternoon nap.  I guess that is a good sign.

Tucked the boys in around 5.  They were ready.

We could be getting a few inches of snow, which will put an end to my trike riding.
Night all.



  1. LOL!!! Get snow tires for the trike. Just kidding.
    We would love snow here, we need the moisture.

    Well it sure sounds like you are feeling better!

  2. We really need some snow. The ground in the paddock is deeply pitted from horses when it was wet and now it's frozen. Difficult footing. It's good to know you and Gary are feeling much better.


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