Sunday, January 7, 2024

Yep! We Got Some Snow!

I went out a little after 6am to shovel a path to the paddock.  The snow was very heavy.
Back in the house for about 45 minutes when Jen arrived to shovel.  So much easier with a paved driveway.
While she did that, Little Wonder and I went out to the barn for chores.

Ironically, the boys left their hay after about half and hour and went out to find some grass in the pasture.
Gary came out and showed Jenny how to start and use the snow blower.  He even did a little shoveling.

We all did a little more at the end and now the driveway does not have a drop of snow on it.  Melted.

We rested and watched a little football this afternoon.  Tonight the Bills are playing.  Hopefully they will win!

At 4:15 I met a neighbor at her stand down the road and picked up some bread and orange/almond rolls.  Yum!

Chores as usual.  It did not feel that cold tonight.

Getting ready for dinner.  Sloppy Joes, roasted potatoes and corn salad.
Night all.



  1. We are having a light, fluffy snow at the moment. The bread and rolls look so good! So does you dinner.

  2. That food looks great!

    We are expecting snow this evening and through tomorrow evening. We shall see.


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