Friday, January 5, 2024

Ho Hum...Back to Dreary

This is one very unusual winter, just 28 degrees today.  We may get snow over the weekend.

That was it for sunshine today....just a few minutes.  Gary got up early and decided to go to the Diner for coffee with his pals.  He has not done this for weeks and it was a real upper for him.  After that he got a hair cut and picked up some groceries at Wegmans.  He is really improving.  This afternoon he brought some wood up from the shed for the stove in the kitchen....just a little at a time.  Finn and Coop came up for chore duty and they chatted for awhile.  This afternoon Little Wonder and I cooled it.

We did watch the President's speech and I sure hope people were tuned in.  In my dreams, I never expected the US to be going through such turmoil.  It will be very interesting to see what the Supreme Court has to say about the Colorado Primary issue.  If they think that DT, with all that he has done, is a qualified candidate....we are in deep tapioca. It will also reveal who they are.

Helped a pal out with a FB page for her Pony Ride business, other than that, was a bum most of the time.  Oh yah, I also was able to add some song suggestions for She Sings to our SongBook (iPad).
"River" and "Dreams" by a group of Celtic women.  Both are beautiful. 
The ground was frozen, so the horses hooves were not full of mud tonight.

A weird dinner.  Leftover chicken and gravy on toast with some homemade applesauce.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. LW has the absolute best face!
    I am deeply concerned about what is going to happen next November. I already know, or think I know, what the Supreme Court will do. The Republicans did an excellent job packing the court system. It's the final step in taking over, corrupting the last stand against authoritarianism.


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