Monday, January 22, 2024

Fake Flowers

And here I thought it would be in the mid 30s today.  Disappointed.

After chores (Gary had already left for yoga and lunch) I had to go to the store to pick up a stool (to put next to the bed for Little Wonder) and a litter box for the cats.  There were a LOT of plastic flowers for sale (I'm not into plastic flowers but I did like the colors).

So sad about the Bills losing to Kansas City last night.  They worked their butts off to get to that game and they would have tied if the field goal had been made.  I felt very sorry for the kicker, as he took full blame for the loss.  Fortunately, Josh Allen (the quarterback) was very gracious and told him that the team lost the game...he didn't.  People who were watching were crying.  Kansas City has been on a very long doubt about it.  The Bill's Mafia (as the fans are called) will continue to support them no matter what....

This coming Sunday I am going to get together with three other friends to sing some favorite music.  This afternoon I looked up some of my favorite songs and have started putting them on my iPad.  Can't wait!  Do you remember any of these songs?
I'm going out a little later for evening chores as it is so much lighter over half an hour.  Yay!
Finn has gone back to college and Coop is doing the same tomorrow.  Gary is back on water and wheelbarrow duty....I'm sure he is beyond thrilled.
The boys were on automatic pilot as usual.  Pardon their filthy blankets.  They are both rollers.

Little Wonder did not wear his coat tonight.

We had "Impossible Burgers" (first time) and coleslaw for dinner.  I would definately have them again.

Night all.



  1. For some color, I would like some of those flowers...I've loved silk flowers in the past. I have kept one silk rose that was given to me 30 years ago.

    We are warming here and apparently we are going to have rain and sleet for the next few days.

  2. I have admired silk peonies! We are warm for the foreseeable future. I'm listening to a book about UPF, Ultra Processed Food. I avoid it, which is what the meat substitutes are. Not trying to be a downer, it's just me!! My son and DIL, she's a vegan, use it all the time.

  3. I had to laugh at your impossible is under there somewhere I presume. hee


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