Sunday, January 21, 2024

Winter Serenades

Not so bad today.  In the high 20s and we even had a little sunshine.

When it's not dreary out I am much more ambitious.  I raked under the shed roof and removed a lot of hay from the run-in before raking there.  It is temporarily ok.

Last night Jenny, Finn and Coop moved a bunch of hay for me.  I need to buy more and hopefully will get it the first part of February.  This is the first time I did not buy a years worth all at once and I won't do that again.  My hay dude (who is in Florida for the winter) said his neighbor would deliver some hay that I committed to and now he won't do it.  Fortunately my other hay guy is coming back (from
 Florida) in a couple weeks and I think he can help me.

Another gorgeous blossom this morning.

Winter Serenades 2024 presented it's first concert this afternoon and that kept Gary busy.
All Gershwin songs.  This is a very unique performance as the man in front gives a history of Gershwin and his music in between songs.

Finn went back to Cortland today...Coop and Heather came up for barn chores.  It was still quite light a little after five.  So much better.
No black coat for Little Wonder tonight.  We are looking forward to a week of temperatures above freezing starting tomorrow.  The Bills game is going to start soon, and I am not making dinner.  We had leftovers from last night for lunch and that will hold me over.  Maybe a bowl of shredded wheat with a banana.
Night all.



  1. Sounds like mudville is on its way with warmer temps!
    We have rain/sleet/freezing rain/and snow on deck for this week.

    However it will be above zero and above freezing.

    Bummer on the hay thing. I try and get my hay for the whole winter delivered in August and I'm done with it.
    I couldn't get as much as I usually do this fall. :(

  2. Mudville is right. I don't like warmups in winter. Freeze and melt is hard on the horses. The music was nice, you have so much cultural activities in your community. Mark had that game on last night.


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