Tuesday, January 23, 2024

I've GotThat

35 degrees right now with some melting going on.  This morning Gary went to Yoga and out to lunch and I did chores.  He helped me with water and the wheelbarrow before he left.

Alice picked me up at 11:30 and we went down to Barber's for lunch.  We each had half of a Balboa and curly fries.  Stan really loaded us up!  The curly fries are made fresh from one potato no matter what size it is.  Ours must have been huge. We talked for two hours and went up to the bar to pay when the lone person sitting there said "I've got that!" and bought our lunches!  Straight out of the movies....  We bought him a beer and left.  The next time we go out to lunch we are going to pick up the tab for somebody to pay it forward.  
I was not productive this afternoon.
Our friend Doug stopped in to bring me a gorgeous leather bag and he also gave me a lesson on Drop Box so I can get music to my iPad and it can be shared.  Got to have a Doo-Wop folder.
Chores at 5.  The horses blankets were a little wet as we had a light snowy rain.

Got them tucked in.  Still riding my trike to the barn in the snow.
Little Wonder did not need his black coat.
No cooking tonight.  I'm going out by the fire and plan to listen to the results of the primary in New Hampshire.  I'm sure Trump will be the candidate in the end, but I hope Nikki gives him a scare.  Who would ever guess that we could be in this situation?  The US has to be the biggest laugh on the planet.  How is it possible for Trump to be eligible to run for office under the circumstances? Here it is folks.  Two old guys are running for President.  One will change your life drastically, with very little consideration for the people who support him (except for the very wealthy) and the other will fight to make it better.  Who do you choose? I want my kids and grandkids to have a decent future.
Night all.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very well said Lori. Both my husband (who use to be a staunch republican) and myself say that bully of a dictator cannot make a decision nor come up with any decent legislation for the good of Americans but only for his wealthy businessmen. He should not be allowed to run with all this illegal activity and is an embarrassment to democracy. Kathy

  3. The voters should think long and seriously , even down here I take interest in how it is going. How can he possibly be allowed to even enter the race again !!! Two old men for sure, I so wish one of them was a lot younger.How he manages to keep up is beyond me, he deserves every praise.And I'm sure you know which one I mean.

  4. Well said, Lori. I have never been a Biden fan, but I voted for him and will again, although I do wish he had stepped aside. He did turn out much better than I expected. The underbelly of the US is clearly exposed and crawling with corruption.


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