Sunday, October 1, 2023

Lunch With The Food Editor of the Buffalo News

I went out a little early this morning as I wanted to have plenty of time to ice Rebel's leg before getting things ready for our lunch guests.

This time, Rebel was in the north part of his stall, not next to Buddy (he has the entire West side of the barn for his stall....about 40 feet long).  He was standing up, waiting for his breakfast.  I had put some hay in his feeder and then added a hay net so he would stay there and eat while I iced his leg.  While he did that, I was able to get his stall cleaned.
By then, he and Buddy had been in for an extra 30 minutes and he was ready to go out without me asking him.

As per usual, they both went from pasture to pasture.
Gary made some serious progress on the back exterior wall of the Studio.  Can't believe how much he got done in one day.
When I got back in the house, Gary was vacuuming and I started doing my thing.
Little Wonder and I went out and picked some apples for dessert.
I got the table set....

and managed to grab a shower before Andrew and Jen arrived.
They were hungry, so we ate right away.
Alfredo/Lasagna soup...
a tomato salad....
Tuscan Bread...
and old fashioned Apple Betty for dessert.

Eventually we took a tour....Jen loves horses.

We ended up in the Studio, then Gary picked a bag full of veggies to go.

We sat on the porch for awhile and discussed all kinds of neat stuff.  Andrew teaches an English class at the University of Buffalo (something about journalism) and I'll bet the students love him.  Very different from any profs I had in college.
After they left I watched the last five minutes of the Bill's game (another winner) and then took it easy until chore time.  Rebel seemed a little better than he was last night.

This morning I put a bale of old hay in his stall to serve as a cushion when he goes down for a rest.
After he ate his grain I put the ice on him and he was a perfect gentleman.

He only lasts about 30 minutes (if that) and tonight he let me know he was ready to have it off.

Tomorrow morning I will call the Vet, unless he has shown some miraculous improvement.
Night all.



  1. It is Monday has the Vet come and if he came can you share what the Vet said. I would like to know today than have to wait till Tuesday. 🙏🏻

  2. To say another busy day would be redundant! Lunch looks really good. Gary moved fast on the priming, wow. I am anxious to know what the vet has to say about Rebel.

  3. Rebel was a little better this morning, but I called the Vet anyway. Unless it is an emergency, they will not be here until the 13th! Ironically, today he was walking better (still gimpy but much improved). I will still continue to treat him by wrapping his foot and icing his leg. He is so cooperative! As my friend Andrea said, he just might be better before they can get here. I am encouraged by her comment. I have a short video from today and you can see the improvement. Many thanks to all of you for caring about my very sweet boy.


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