Saturday, September 30, 2023

Called For Help

Not my favorite day

When I got out to the barn, Rebel was down.  He got up to eat and I called my most knowledgeable horse pal for some advice.  In the meantime, at 8:15 Jenny, Scott and Finn arrived to put another load of hay in the barn.

With all those bodies, it did not take long.

Jenny helped me with the stalls and then picked some raspberries so she could make a smoothie when she got back home.
Finn came home for the weekend.

Andrea arrived at 12:30.  I had Rebel in the grooming room with his boot off.  I had already taken his temperature (100.7).  We soaked his foot first, and when she checked it could not find any tender spots.
Could it be tendons?  Next, we iced his leg.

She felt there was a little less swelling.....
and put on a standing wrap.
This time, I did not put Buddy in the stall so he did not get all worked up.  Eventually, Rebel was ready to go back out.  I will probably call the Vet on Monday.  Andrea is licensed by the British Horse Society and she has always been my go to person.  Knows so much and always come through for me when I am having horse concerns.
At his point, we are not sure what is causing the lameness.  All I know, is that I am a wreck as I watch him and it has an impact on my brain, not to mention my old body.
I tried to relax for awhile with Little Wonder.

We're having company for lunch tomorrow.  The Food Editor from the Buffalo News and his girlfriend are coming over.  Jenny too.  I was not in the mood to cook, but forced myself to make a pot of Alfredo/Lasagna soup.  It's different and delicious.
I had to taste it.  Naturally I did not follow the directions.  More mushrooms, more spinach, more Alfredo sauce, Pecorino Romano instead of Parmesan,  more chicken broth, more lasagna, huge onion....blah blah blah.
I went out a little early so I could take off the wrap and ice Rebel's leg.

While I was in his stall, he went down for a few minutes and as soon as I took the ice off he got up and started to eat his hay.  I see an x ray in his future.
Night all.



  1. My heart feels your heart hurting and worried about Rebel. Hoping for the best for your beautiful boy.

  2. Oh Lori, not what I had hoped you would find this morning. No wonder you are stressed, and this isn't any help to your health and mind at all. X-Ray. maybe that will show something.Anything is way better than not knowing. Hope you manage for the guests for dinner. LOL, Jean.

  3. I sure hope the vet can help you figure out what is happening to Rebel.

  4. I'm so sorry. I know how much stress this is. Tomorrow you may have an answer. Entertaining on top of are a marvel.

  5. I am so sorry about Rebel's foot/leg problems. I hope with my heart that his issues will soon be resolved and he will be healthy and strong. Pleas get better Rebel!
    Take Care,


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