Wednesday, July 26, 2023

An Award For Jenny

Here we go!  The temperature is ramping up and so is the humidity.

Other than chores I did not do that much today.  Just went to Wegmans and tried to stay cool.  Gary started working in the gardens by the Studio.
The horses were put in early and they were happy to get out of the heat.  Their stalls were 10 degrees cooler than it was outside.

Tonight Gary and I were invited to attend the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) Gala as Jenny was being given an award. 
It was held at Artisan Works.

We arrived at 6:30.  Jenny, Scott and Finn were already there.  Excellent appetizers 
and dinner.
We sat a a table reserved by Jenny's boss, State Assembly Member, Harry Bronson, and were joined by a woman Jenny has been advocating for since last September.

Harry could not attend, but John was there in his place.

Jenny has spoken to Theresa on the phone almost every day for one reason or another and this is the first time they were able to meet in person.  I was especially touched by the way Jenny was able to help her eat her dinner.  Makes a person really think about what it is like when you need so much help.
She had a lot to say before Jenny was presented with the
Adele Carlson Advocacy Award.

We were all very moved and could not be prouder.

Jenny, Theresa and Bruce E. Darling (President and CEO)
Night all.  This one was very special.


  1. A special award for one very special lady, and another special, for you all to be there. Long term commitment takes caring to a whole new level. XXX from down here.

  2. You have a daughter to be very proud of. She is not only beautiful on the outside. Congratulations to her and you.


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