Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Another Spa Day For Rebel and Buddy

A busy morning and a quiet afternoon.

This is how it looked before I went out for chores.  I sure hope smoke is not on the way.

As soon as they were done I started mowing.  The John Deere had a flat tire so I had to use our old Troy Built, that needs new blades and the deck is much smaller.  Alice arrived at 10:30 and by then I had over half the lawn finished.  We opened up the grooming room and called the boys to see if they would come in voluntarily....and they did.

The last time we did this Buddy walked right in and got in a stall, but Rebel went to hide in the run-in.  Today, he changed his mind and walked in on his own.

Each time she is here, I try to teach Alice something new.  Today she put on their halters and cross tied them herself.  She usually grooms Buddy first.

Janet stopped up for awhile and I love having a chance to see her.  She also has some great tips for Alice.  While she was grooming Buddy, Rebel took a nap.  They were so chill today.  I think they are catching on to this Spa Day business and like the cookies too.

Alice really appreciates having time with the horses.  I hope to get her on Rebel in the near future.

I have three old metal saddle racks that I am going to sell.  They are very cool, but I don't need them anymore.

Cleaned up the grooming room and
finished mowing the lawn.

Gary went to Yoga and out to lunch with his pals earlier and did the hand mowing when he got home.
I made a fresh salad...
and we had the leftover cauliflower casserole for dinner.

Chores at 8.

Buddy left his mask somewhere.

Night all.

Jenny, Scott, Heather and the boys look like they are having a great time at the lake.



  1. Looks a bit smokey doesn't it?
    I hope you don't get more.

    Spa day, they really like the attention don't they? Gave Siera and Sunshine a sprinkle rinse off today. Tomorrow we are supposed to get Hot Hot.
    I hope Alice gets the chance to get on Rebel, that would be cool.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Love the warmth in all those photos, we will go down to 2 Celsius late tonight.Alice looks like she so enjoys these visits.

  3. We've had smoke for several days. It bothers my eyes and sinuses. Everything looks so pretty and green. It's really a fine thing that Alice is getting horse time. Both she and they are liking it.


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