Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Transition Starts Tomorrow....Winter Returns

More of the same.  Grey, wind, spitting rain and in the low 40s.

After chores I helped Janet get some photos of her saddle as the saddle fitter would like to see it before  visiting in a few days.
Between us we must have taken 50 shots.

These poor daffodils....if they make it until spring it will be a miracle.
I had an appointment with my massage therapist at 2.  Stopped at Wegmans on the way home and went out to do chores a little early as Janet had her Judo Class tonight.

The sun made an appearance....lasted a little longer than it did at sunrise.

Dinner was easy... a salad and the leftover
soup I made yesterday.

The three photos below were taken in the dark.  All three kitties .

The weather reports sound pretty bad starting Wednesday night, but it won't be as bad as what is expected at Sandra's (blogging pal) in Minnesota!  They may get two feet of snow and in the past couple of months the temperature has been beyond frigid.  We are currently over 51 inches (snow) behind what we had last year at this time.  Such extremes.
Night all.



  1. I love the kitty pictures, especially the one gazing out the window. They are safe inside. I hope Sandra fairs well with the next storm.

  2. Once again the weather changed drastically.

    Hopefully it doesn't get too bad by you!

  3. Pretty kitties!

    We had about 4" overnight, nothing yet today, but it's supposedly coming. It's really windy and a balmy 7 F. We have everything we need so now we just wait.

    I hope the daffodils survive.


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