Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Just What We Expected

It started to snow mid afternoon and now (7pm) the road is covered.

I swear, I get the mud off this pony every single day.  Even brush off his blanket.
As of today, Seamus has been here for 1 year.  Time has flown.
The stink eye is back.  Two days in a row.

It was cold enough for the ponies to wear their medium blankets.

At 12:45 I hitched a ride with Greg K. to our She Sings rehearsal.
We are working on a couple of new songs as well as the playlist for our next gig.
By the time I got home the snow was pretty steady.  I had just enough time to to start dinner and go out for evening chores.

Two cookie monsters.

Hot dogs, baked beans and coleslaw for dinner.  Just what the doctor ordered.
We should be getting some heavy duty weather over the next few hours, ending with ice and sleet by morning.  I need to get out by the fire.
Night all.



  1. I think there will be some s ow at higher altitudes in the far south by Friday, down to -3 Celsius,. Cool where we are, but if we were to get snow it would be an event even for NZ in February !!! We had snow once in August in 2011. Love the stinky eye glare !!!~

  2. My equine were muddy and now have taken nice snow baths and are much cleaner. I suppose they get itchy now that some of them are shedding. A roll equals a good back scratch. :)

    Lots of snow and ice here! Hope you don't get all of that!

  3. Very good side-eye! We got the snow we were warned about. Yikes! It's cold and windy but has stopped snowing.


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