Thursday, February 23, 2023

Fire and Ice

Last night we had rain, sleet, ice and snow.  I was supposed to have Seymour at the Brockport Animal Hospital by 8:30 to have his ear checked, but cancelled and switched it to noon.  The gate to the paddock was frozen and our car was glazed over with ice.

The ponies consumed a lot of hay today.

Fortunately, Scott came up when we were just about finished with chores and did some plowing.
The snow/ice was not that deep, but it was heavy and crunchy.
At noon, I loaded Seymour into the car and we went down to our appointment with Dr. Edwards.  Jenny had my decent cat carrier, so yesterday I grabbed a bigger one from the barn and cleaned it up outside in the snow with some hot water.  Threw in a nice soft rug and he was happy.  
He was a real trooper during the exam...could not believe how cooperative he was.  2 years ago he had a tumor in his right ear and after some treatment it disappeared (he got rid of it on his own).  Now another one has grown and I will be  giving him meds for 10 days to get rid of an be followed by surgery to remove it. $$$$$
Made a couple stops on the way home and he did not make a peep.  So comfortable in the car I was shocked.  When we got home it was time to get by the fire.

The horses chose to hang out in the freezing rain this afternoon and their manes were coated by the time we were ready to tuck them in.

We had breakfast for dinner.  Fine with me.
Oh yes....I did spend some time on my uke this afternoon.  I really want to learn that song Chris Wilson sang....IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN.

Night all.



  1. Stay warm and stay safe, even a walk to the barn might be treacherous !!! I remember one year you had to ski out there !!!We have more rain in Auckland and Hawkes Bay, hope your friends stay high and dry.A local cafe advertised for baking to be taken over to the Tararua area, a bit south of Hawkes Bay.So I did my bit and made banana loaves and two types of biscuits.Had some bananas left so thought I would do some for ourselves, SADLY, I forgot to put in the baking soda, They were like bricks and went in the compost. Hope you do not get too much more snow.

  2. Ice is the worst. The horses don't look at all bothered. Vet care is expensive. Breakfast for dinner looks good.


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