Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Happy Birthday Gary Skoog!

Gary did just what he wanted for his birthday.  After lunch Janet delivered a bag with 4 cards and a delicious dessert for the celebration.  The four cards were from Little Wonder, the three cats, Ronin, Seamus and Rebel and one from her!  I wish you could read all the messages!  So thoughtful and appreciated by Gary.
Morning chores as usual....and more rain (as usual lately).
Seamus was very anxious to get out of his stall this morning and had me worried as he had been pacing.

He got soaked and had rolled in the sand footing (indoor) so I went out to check on him.  Brought him into the grooming room and he was very anxious again....until I let Ronin join us.
Once again, Little Wonder got nice and dirty.
Sophie and Seymour spent much of the afternoon snoozing together on the back porch.

We had a 12:30 practice and took the time to work on proper tuning, balancing our voices and instruments and even started on a couple new songs.
I did evening chores a little early as Scott and Jenny were going to diner with us at the Holley Falls Bar and Grill.  Their treat....the perfect gift.

Called the ponies and Seamus seemed his normal self.
When they got in their stalls he started pacing again after finishing his grain and finally settled down and started eating his hay.  Janet kept tabs on him while we headed to Holley.
We all wanted the special fries they make there (with rosemary). I got a burger, Jenny and Gar got shaved steak sandwiches and Scott got shrimp.  Perfect for this cool night.

When we got back to the farm, Janet's dessert was waiting for us.

Night all.



  1. Happy Birthday Gary, the cards, you are so lucky the animal family are kind and thoughtful too !!! Lovely to see the two cats together, and Seamus, hope he is better tomorrow.

  2. Wishing Gary a Happy Birthday a bit late!

  3. Love the cards from all the farm critters Janet put together. Sounds like a wonderful family celebration. Seamus seems like a little boy anxious to be outside playing but I hope he is well. Kathy

  4. Happy belated birthday to Gary! It really causes a huge knot in the gut when horses show signs of colic. I'm glad he is ok.


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