Tuesday, September 27, 2022

It's Time For Some Chili

Another weird day.  Sunshine and rain....coolish.  Gary went to yoga and out to lunch and I did things around the house.  Lots of laundry, setting up a couple of bedrooms for company and a couple new mattresses.  Also went back out to the barn to wash windows before Gary installed them.

Every morning Gary comes out to the barn to do water and dump the wheelbarrow for me.  Today he also brought in shavings and installed plexiglass in all the windows.

While he was gone I made a big batch of vegetarian chili.

This afternoon Janet had a lesson with Dawn from the Renaissance Equestrian Center so I raked the arena before she got here.
Rebel and his pony were hanging out next to the indoor while Ronin was working.

The in -hand work they have been doing is really helping his body.

When I got back to the house, Sidney was sacked out on Gary's lap....he had been snoozing too.
Janet was teaching her Judo class and I put the ponies in a little after 6.

The inside of the barn felt so good with the plexiglass in the windows.

To the East.....
to the West.  I think we will be getting more rain tonight.  I'm worried about my pals (Billy and Alex) who live on the west coast of Florida with 3 horses, a donkey, dogs, cats and bunnies.  I couldn't handle hurricanes....will take the snow instead.

We had corn bread, a salad and the chili for dinner.  So good.

Night all.



  1. I can’t imagine evacuating your home in extreme weather. Yes, I will take snow cause we stay in our homes with our pets. Kathy

  2. You and Gary don't let any moss grow around your feet!


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