Thursday, September 29, 2022

"Prepare For Departure"

A semi busy day.  After chores I ran some errands then Gary and I worked on the upstairs as we are going to have a couple of guests off and on over the next week.  Our friend Mary Pat will be here tomorrow and in a few days we will be hosting a clinician for a Dressage clinic being held at the Renaissance Equestrian Center.  Are we the new B&B in the neighborhood?

Brilliant sunshine but only around 55 degrees.

After lunch Little Wonder and I went out to pick some raspberries.
With all that sunshine....Seamus chose to stand in the shade under his tree.  Fortunately he seemed to be back to normal today.

The light was so good around 5 I had to take some more photos.
After Gary did all the windows and washed the floors, the upstairs was looking pretty good.
We used to have 4 bedrooms up and one down, but now we turned this one into a sitting room and the one off the bathroom has a desk in it and lots of Gary's stuff.
The sleigh beds are antiques and last night Jenny and Scott brought us a couple of mattresses to replace the ones that came with the beds (ancient and saggy).

This quilt is at the top of the stairs and was made by my art students many years ago.  They were all senior citizens and most had never done this.

I really needed a nap, but had to take a shower and do chores 

before going down to the Morgan Manning House for a book signing and lecture by author Mark Chestnut.  "Prepare for Departure" was written about the relationship he and his Mom had and it was especially meaningful to all in attendance as we knew Eunice, as she had been the historian for the Morgan Manning House for decades.
The crowd was made up of the usual suspects.

Two people showed up with the male and female versions of the same shoes!  So sweet!  And they were not there together!

Almost dark when we got home.
Night all.


  1. Yup looking pretty cozy with the house ready for guests. I imagine you both were tired after all that work cleaning. Kathy

  2. I love your house! Also the Eames and Wassily chairs. I have a Wassily and would love an Eames, but, alas..... Your active community fills me with envy and yearning. Good luck with the company, maybe you should be the new B&B, you have the house for it!


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