Tuesday, August 23, 2022

What Kind Of A Tomato Is This?.

The morning started off with more rain.  In the past three days we have had over 2 " and we really needed it.  The barn felt humid, then we had a nice break with some wind followed by 82 degrees and more mugginess.

Rebel started off the day being bossy.  Fortunately he really does love Seamus and would not hurt him.

As soon as I turned them out they headed for the apple tree as the heavy rain knocked down a few.
Ronin was still in his stall and looked out his window to see where they were going.

There was a meeting of the minds....
and then The Rebel started with the body language.  He thinks he runs the joint!

Fortunately the big boys have been well behaved most of the time.  Ronin has been very tolerant.

After chores I went out to pick tomatoes so I could make sauce today.  Does anyone know what kind of tomatoes these are?  Orange and delicious.  We were given plants by our friend Ed C. and thought they were all San Marzanos.

He also gave us several of these plants.  Cherry tomatoes that grow in a line.  We must be able to pick over 150 a day....there must be at least 300 out there right now.
I made a quick trip to Weggies just before chores as Gary was gone most of the day with the car.

Seamus was the last one in the barn tonight.

Janet had made a boot for Ronin yesterday as he lost one of his shoes.  She takes it off at night, and the farrier will be here on Thursday.  He also had his teeth floated today and I had the opportunity to meet a new Vet that Janet has used for years.

Little Wonder and I could not wait to get back in the house near the fans.

Thin crust cheese pizza and a salad for dinner.
The sauce cooked down about 3 inches and it's taking forever to cool so I can bag it and put it in the freezer.
Night all.


  1. The tomatoes look great, and the cherry ones, down here I grew a lot of those in buckets, and put water retention granules in the potting mix first,They thrived, your small ones look wonderful.

  2. If your cherry tomatoes grow like a bunch of grapes and are 5-6 feet tall they are Sweet 100s a favorite of mine the taste is wonderful. A little bit of a problem keeping them picked Enjoy

  3. I used to season and dehydrate my cherry tomatoes and then freeze to put in stews, they taste great as chips too!

  4. You don't get a lot of round yellow tomatoes. Most of them are more oblate. So unless its some obscure heirloom, of which there are many, my guess would be Lemon Boy. That's a well known, commonly grown yellow hybrid which prevailed over the years when yellow tomatoes were not in vogue.

  5. Ronin doesn't seem at all concerned about rebel! I grow yellow tomatoes every year but I don't know if it's always the same one or what they are called.


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