Monday, August 22, 2022

Another Downpour....

Humid, but in the low 70s today.  By 5pm a monsoon came through.

These two are looking for apples
After chores I picked cucumbers and several of the orange tomatoes,
and at 10 our Insurance Agent arrived to take photos of the barn roofs.
Seeing that it was coolish I decided to mow the lawn and around the pastures.  Hopefully the rain we have had for the past two days will turn the lawn and pastures green.

The heat (especially in July) really did a number on our lawn.

I made a "potato salad" for dinner.  Nancy brought this dish to a She Sings lunch and it was delicious.  The potatoes were supposed to be roasted, but I boiled them with the skins on instead.  When it's cooler, I will broil them.  I promise you that this is a very simple recipe and you will love it.  Dice and roast 2# of potatoes (tossed in olive oil).  Create a marinade....6 TB of olive oil, 1 TB of balsamic vinegar, 2 TB of red vine vinegar, 2 tsp Dijon mustard (I used a Dijon/Honey Mustard) and a little salt.  Shake well and pour over the potatoes, then add 1/4 cup of fresh chives.  (I also added a sliced little shallot).  Toss and let sit before serving.  
I also started on some yellow squash before going out to do chores.
An hour before feeding time we had a replay of yesterday.  The rain was coming down in buckets and the horses were under the shed roof.  It stopped just before they were tucked in.

Dinner was delicious.  Squash parm, potato salad, sliced orange tomatoes and BBCued Ribs.

Night all.



  1. I will try that potato salad, I do mine with chives, and mayonnaise, but that looks delicious.

  2. Your flower beds are so pretty. We've greened up from our rain, I'm happy about that. Dinner looks delicious.


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