Friday, July 22, 2022

Out To Lunch

Still hot here.  Gary went out to breakfast and I soloed in the barn long enough to get sweaty.

Watched the hearing last night and feel asleep, the commentary lasted so long when it was over. I am still overwhelmed to think that there are so many stupid elected officials who think they can get away with serious stuff.  Chicken Little is going to have a hard time living down his part on the 6th.

Seymour wanted some in the house time this morning.  I don't blame him.  Fortunately the cats can get in the basement where it is cool.  We could open the windows last night and had to close them and put on the fans by 7am.

After chores a friend stopped up to look over the barn situation as her horse will be coming here for a 4 week vacation prior to moving to a new boarding facility.  She will be doing 99% of the care and I will enjoy the company.
Two new blossoms on the same day!

Now the cherry tomato plants are over 6 feet tall and we have started picking a few.
Gary is doing some watering and I can't believe the way these plants are handling the heat.

At noon we were invited to lunch at Rich and Joan's.  Everything was off the charts.  A tomato pie, olives, homemade pickles, rolls, homemade apple sauce, a salad and chocolate pan cake.
Talk about indulging.

We gabbed at the table for 3 1/2 hours!!!!
Gary loaded up a basket for them....garlic, onions, cucumbers and yellow beans.  It's going to be a good season....and pretty soon the gardens will be out of control.
I took it easy when we got back to the farm and went out to do chores at 6:30.

A BLT for dinner and it was delicious.
Can you see that little green light in the background?  My smart Little Wonder knows right where to hang out...
Night all.



  1. Love the sweet kitty picture.
    I am looking forward to a big fresh tomato to make BLT’s.
    I shake my head at all those who are so weak to believe the lies spewing from the coward. It was an eye opener last night,

  2. Wonder is no dummy! That was a spectacular lunch, such great friends. Something has to happen with 45, Bannon being convicted is a start.

  3. Your flowers are to just die for! Wow, what an amazing flower garden.
    Let's make so that anyone involved in J6 cannot ever hold any public office.


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