Saturday, July 23, 2022

Happy Birthday Scott!

The heat wave continues.

The ponies need a good bath one of these days!
After chores I went Country Max for some shavings and found a whole bunch of clothes I liked at TJ Maxx.  I never go shopping, so this was a real treat.
Mid morning our friend Alicia stopped up for some garlic and she was driven here in the 1974 VW that she sold to Joe R.  What a gorgeous vehicle!

Yet another hibiscus blossom showed up this morning.  These plants must love the feel of the tropics.

Today's bounty was good.  Later, Gary picked 6 more cucumbers.  We are on a roll.
As per usual, when it's this muggy, I spent the afternoon in front of fans.
Chores at 6 as we were going to Jenny's for Scott's birthday dinner.

Jenny braved the heat and made lasagna.


Little Wonder joined us and was on his best behavior.
I think Buster enjoyed having company.
We headed home just as the sun was setting.
Little Wonder loved his ride in the car.

Fortunately it cooled off a bit.
Night all.



  1. Scott, best wishes from down south, hope the heat lessens, and cooler days will be so welcome.

  2. We should be sending cooler weather your way, today is a nice one. I love seeing Wonder's happy face. That is a fantastic birthday feast!


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