Thursday, July 21, 2022

Off The Farm...

It was a very stale, muggy morning....even in the barn. 

After chores I went out to check on the raspberries and there were none.  Onions, squash and cucumbers were very visible.  

Took a shower and went down to Wegmans for a few things.  It's time for fruit plates and anything else that would make a good cold dinner.  I had not left the property for days!

Gary picked more yellow beans for a couple of our friends.  Judy P. stopped over late afternoon and went home with cucumbers, zuchini, a couple onions, the beans and a jar of those refrigerator pickles I made a couple days ago.
Before that, Dick R. stopped up and traded some of his (outstanding) homemade wine and a jar of jam for a bunch of garlic.  Bartering is the best.
Gary left at 4:40 for the Welcome Center.  I opted out of Summer Serenades for two reasons.  1. The humidity has really been bothering me and 2.  I want to watch the 1/6 hearing tonight.  Anyone who participated and thinks it wasn't a big deal is in for a surprise.  Two men from this area were at the capitol that day and have been given jail sentences.  Those who have been in denial are scrambling to keep from going down with the ship.  How could they have been so stupid?

The barn was a little cooler tonight.  Apparently I was not moving fast enough for Seamus.

I didn't have to make dinner, so Little Wonder and I split the leftover BBCued yellow beans.  He loves them....along with anything else I eat.

Time for us to head back to the kitchen....the coolest part of the house.

The hearing starts in 15 minutes.  I wonder how many people care.
Night all.



  1. I am watching the hearing this evening tonight too.

  2. Watching the hearings too. There better be accountability. This dictator should never again be trusted to make any decision for our country. Kathy

  3. I care. 45 needs to be arrested.


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