Sunday, April 17, 2022


There was a light coating of snow on the ground this morning and while I was doing chores we had a brief squall.

I could not believe how this photo turned perfect for Easter.

Two minutes later it snowed.
It was about 31 degrees so I put the sheets back on Rebel and Seamus.
Little Wonder was so thrilled to be wearing his red coat.

It's a good thing the sun appeared.

By noon most of the snow had melted and the temperature was in the low 40s.
Plenty of good light.

Gary spent much of the day in the fresh air and I went out to do chores around 5:30.
I let the ponies have a few minutes in the outdoor arena while I set up their stalls.

They must have been ready for dinner, as they came in when I called them.

I invented a new sandwich for dinner.  Multi grain bread, mayo and honey mustard, grilled ham and pineapple (leftovers), extra sharp cheddar cheese and banana peppers.  SO GOOD!
Al C. is a carver of birds and he gave us this blue jay when they came for dinner.  What a gift!
I'll be happy to hang out by the fire tonight.

Night all.


  1. Seamus is the absolute darling, trotting in so his doesn't miss out.Dinner, always a surprise treat and always so yummy. .Snow, maybe the last fall!!! Almost a frost at younger daughter's farm down south, wet weather and winds forecast for the in the middle we seem to miss it all .

  2. That is a great photo! We had snow today, no so windy as it has been. Everyone looks happy as usual.


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