Monday, April 18, 2022

Where's Rebel?

Crispy, sunny, too windy to continue working on the barn roof, rain and a possibility for snow tonight.

I moved the ponies to the small pasture this morning.  Rebel knew where to go...
and when Seamus got out in the paddock he could not find him.
It took awhile.
Jason and Mike arrived before 9 to start on the top part of the roof.

Unfortunately, the weather changed and the wind kicked up so much....
they left by noon....

just as the farrier arrived.  She started on Seamus and he was a very good boy.  It was his first time in the grooming room and I had him on a lead rope as he does not like cross ties.  The Rebel, on the other hand, is very cool, cooperative and lets Sarah do her cross ties.

As soon as I turned them back out it was time to roll.

Check out that rhubarb!  It has doubled in a week.
At 2:15 we were down at Wegmans getting our second booster shot.  Moderna.  When we got home I started a fire and took it easy until evening chores.

It was raining by then, so I tucked the ponies in a little early.

It was time for some pasta with our homemade vegetarian sauce.  Glad I made it earlier today.  Preparing dinner was a piece of cake.
Night all



  1. Seamus, you were looking so hard, glad you sorted it out in the end. Rain and some wind down here too. And we have long time friend and his new wife coming to stay tonight, a HUGE catch up after some 20 years with no visits.

  2. Your ponies are leading a good life.

  3. They are good boys! We both like our fires and I am making pasta tonight with asparagus. A vegetarian pasta. :)


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