Friday, September 3, 2021

#7360 Still Gorgeous....

I had a 10:30 meeting at the Rec Center after chores, to discuss Senior Programing etc.
Very productive and nice to see some friends.

Can you see Gary in the photo below?  Everyday he buys the Buffalo News, makes a pot of coffee and goes out on the porch to read.  That's his "spot."

This afternoon Cooper had an appointment at the College with a pitching coach.  Gary dropped him off and I picked him up.  A lot of the college students had just gotten out of class and I noticed they were all wearing masks.
Little Wonder rode shotgun.

Mary (was on the Town Board with me) stopped at the farm on her way home from work for some veggies.  Little Wonder loves her.

She went home with greens, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, basil and a vase of flowers.  I really have missed spending time with her....since we are no longer on the Board.
Pancakes and
scrambled eggs for dinner.
Just what the Doctor ordered.  Yum!
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh! We had French toast last night and was it ever a nice change!
    Your flowers are amazing. I need zinnias again next year!


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