Saturday, September 4, 2021

#7361 Boy! Are We Going To Have Potatoes!

Another nice cool morning.

After chores I sat out on the back porch and watched the butterflies.

Little Wonder shared his stink eye with me.

Gary started pulling out more of the dead flowers in the garden and fluffed up the dirt around the carrots and beets.
At noon, my friend Barb P. (used to have her horse King Mustafa here) went out for our annual lunch.  Spent a couple hours at one of the tables outside of Barber's.  Nice to catch up.

I attempted to sit down and read this afternoon, but did not get all that far.  Jenny came up to pick more flowers for her house and to take to a friend in Rochester.  Going out to dinner.

Doug N. arrived around 5:30 to rototill part of the garden behind the studio....where the garlic was.  All the squash and cucumbers were picked and after the vines were pulled out, he did that part of the garden too.
We have some very fine soil.  Horse manure and leaves make it so rich.
Gary decided to check out the potatoes!  Wow!  They are gorgeous and we are going to have bushels.
Evening chores....

It was every man for himself for dinner.  We both had tomato sandwiches.
Night all.

Supposed to have our last gig at the farm market tomorrow, but may get rained out.


1 comment:

  1. Nice potatoes! I am going to have a lot of winter/butternut squash! I only purchase potatoes a little at a time because we don't go through them that fast.
    Those flowers and butterflies....make my heart flutter and reminds me why I've always planted zinnias -- except this year -- close to the porch.


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