Monday, April 26, 2021

Post #7228 Priya's Painting

 By 7:45, the Town Highway Department was here picking up our gigantic pile of brush.  They even raked up every last vine and stick.  So impressed.

Once again, the sun was coming through Rebel's window and I could not resist taking more photos.  I love to add texture by using Photoshop Elements.

Last night the temperature went down in the 30s, but we did not have a frost.  I'm sure the ponies felt the chill.

I ran a few errands this morning and got home just in time for a zoom meeting.
Working with a team on the development of a website.

How about that?  A photo of the horses in the small pasture without the manure pile in the foreground.

There was good light this afternoon, but the temperature was in the high 40s.

I picked some new tulips for my kitchen table.

Homemade pizza for dinner.

Little Wonder was waiting for a piece of crust.
When I opened my computer to do this post I was tagged in a photo by my friend Priya B.
She is a professor at the College and an outstanding painter.  Many times she has used my photos for her paintings and here is one of her latest.
It was taken from this photograph that I posted a couple weeks ago.
"Good light."
I love it!  Such talent.

Night all.


  1. What talent in painting! Not me, I have to use a painting program to get a paint look.
    Our nights are now creeping towards the 40's most of the time. I hope that stays that way for a while.
    I still can't plant a garden for another 3 to 4 weeks though, we can have frost until June 1st!
    Love the sunlight streaming in through the window.

  2. As you are warming up, here this morning about 6 Celsius outside, the fire was kept going all night. Love the painting, wonderful talent, and the colours are perfect. the trees look like I could touch their branches.


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