Sunday, April 25, 2021

Post #7227 Filled the Biggest Dumpster!

We got a call before 8am and it was Brian N. saying he was coming to get our manure for his Mom's gardens.  She grows and sells hundreds of pumpkins.  We are very fortunate that they have done this for many years.

Now, we are starting over.  He did an excellent job of cleaning up the area.
This afternoon I went out to the Studio to organize some art supplies...
and seeing that I am no longer teaching, I set it up in a different way.

On Thursday we hope to have a She Sings rehearsal on the deck, but it might rain and we will have to go inside.  It will be acoustic, as we have an outside gig on Friday and we want to see what we sound like without our amps.

Chicken soup and salad for dinner.

It was sunny much of the day, but we are still having a lot of wind.

The ponies were happy to get inside.  It will be in the low 30s tonight.

Night all.


1 comment:

  1. One of my 'dreams' was to have something like your studio for myself. A private space for me to design and work with...a place for projects and a place for setting up still life and creative things...
    Wow. I love your space.
    I bet you are really looking forward to having the rehearsal and singing together as a real in person group!
    Doing the happy dance for you.


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