Saturday, April 24, 2021

Post #7226 Get 'er Done

What a gorgeous day....near 70 and no wind!

After chores I continued to pull out vines as Jenny, Finn and Coop we're coming up to help us move everything to the brush pile so it can be picked up on Monday.

Gary spent time in the gardens before they got here.  Planted some leeks.
Much of our property is in transition and it's going to take a lot of work to get the gardens squared away.
Last fall Scott set Gary up with a 35 gallon water container, put on a faucet and installed a gutter so it would fill it when it rained.  It works perfectly and Gary uses it to water the plants.

Around 1:15 our helpers arrived.  It sure made a difference.

Scott pulled this stump out last fall and it was very heavy.  Finn and Coop managed to move it over to the brush pile, along with many wheel barrow loads of vines and branches.  They have to hustle to keep up with their mother!

Donuts all around when we were finished.
Jenny picked a beautiful bouquet for her kitchen table.  The snow and freezing temperatures did not kill the flowers.

I raked the indoor and mowed the south lawn....will finish mowing tomorrow.

A picnic dinner.  Grilled hots, roasted sweet potato fries and coleslaw.
Chore duty after we ate.

Night all.

Seeing that I have not been doing that much, this extra outside work has made me as stiff as a board!
What I would give to have our hot tub back on the porch!


1 comment:

  1. Oh, those tulips, I am inspired to buy just a FEW more pale pink ones. as all the bulbs are for sale here now. Family help is wonderful, and youth has speed like I had forgotten was there a long time ago.


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