Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Post #7229 Getting a Grip on the Lawn

It was a chilly start to the day, but we ended up in the 60s and it felt so good.

Every day Gary follows a routine.  Gets up, has breakfast, tunes in to the news and makes sure the kitchen is in good shape.  By mid morning he heads to the Village to buy the Buffalo News and when he gets home (weather permitting) he goes out on the porch to read it.  Aside from that, today he spent a lot of time with his strawberry plants and cleaned up the area near the Studio.

The ponies were enjoying the weather.

Everything is really perking up in the gardens.

The garlic is almost two feet tall....
and most of the flowers survived two nights in the high 20s, not to mention the snow we had.
I finished mowing the rest of the lawn late afternoon and it's really shaping up.

The late afternoon sun was doing its thing.  Good light,
When Little Wonder is not near me.....
he hangs out on the bed....his second home.  Smart boy.

I made a delicious dinner tonight.
Pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and a salad.

Night all.


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