Saturday, April 17, 2021

Post #7219 Designer Dog....

At least it did not rain today.

However, the front paddock could not be worse.

After chores I checked on the gardens.  The rhubarb is going to be ready shortly....we have 30 plants.  That's a LOT of rhubarb.  Let me know if you want some.

The garlic is at least a foot high....
and we must have around 150 strawberry plants.

I dropped Little Wonder off at the groomers at 1:30 and made a couple stops before it was time to pick him up.  First to Jenny's and then checked out this panel down at the Welcome Center.
I have been part of an Art & Aesthetics Committee for years and we used to raise money for public art.
A friend of ours had this guide to outdoor art made last year.
Here are a few examples.
The mural below is the most recent piece and was made possible by generous donations.
Howdeee was our first project and we had it installed at the Welcome Center next to the Canal.
It was created by our friend, Bill Stewart, who passed away a few months ago.  All the funky sculptures we have in our house and yard were also created by him.
This sculpture was place on the College Campus when the Special Olympics were held there in 1979, and was created by a Russian Sculptor.  It is huge, and there is a fountain in the pool.
Another friend from the College Art Department, Jennifer Hecker, created the piece below.  It is located in a small park in the middle of a gorgeous garden planted by Pam Ketchum.
For a small town, we have some beautiful public art and an art walk.

At 3pm it was time to pick up Little Wonder.  Here is his after picture.

As expected, dinner was a replay of last night.

Chore duty at 7.
Except for Berlin, the rest of the gang had rolled in the mud.

The sun appeared just in time to set.

Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Looks like I have some catching up to do!
    We need the rain it is so dry here. My mules are rolling into dust bombs!
    LW looks fancy all gussied up!


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