Friday, April 16, 2021

Post #7218 Instant Replay Five Years Later

It rained all day and we barely hit 40.  By 2:30 Berlin and the Rebel were soaked while Angel and Elliott stayed in the run-in... so I put them all in their stalls.

I closed the gate on the small pasture so the grass could grow in peace.

The front paddock was like a swamp and Little Wonder's feet were a mess.

Jenny and Scott were coming to dinner tonight, so I started working on it after chores.
I marinated some pork last night and this morning I added onions, peppers, mushrooms and pineapple.
It's been a very long time since we had our last blossom.

The quartet was very happy to get out of the weather this afternoon.
I had to take Berlin's blanket off, it was so soaked.

We decided to eat in the kitchen....
by the fire.
Ironically, 5 years ago today (according to FB) we had the same exact meal at Jenny's.
A salad with pears, apples, craisins, scallions, walnuts and crumbly blu.
Gary grilled the shish ke bobs.
Some nice Italian bread....
pilaf and asparagus.  A five star meal.

Jenny and Scott brought cheesecake and I forgot to take a photo.
Now it's time for bed!
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. AAh, Cheesecake, hope that yummy dinner warmed everyone up, with super company all round.


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