Sunday, April 18, 2021

Post #7220. Jacques Pepin

So happy to see the sun this morning.

Gary spent much of the day organizing his gardens....planted snow peas and cabbage.

These are the most stunning blossoms....and they come back every year.

We were in the high 50s much of the afternoon.

I spent some time on the lawn tractor as the grass was really high after all this rain

I brought in some tulips for our kitchen table.

Little Wonder's feet were green by the time he got back in the house.

This is where Jacques Pepin comes in.  Have you heard of him?  He's a French Chef and has been on PBS for decades.  A year ago I posted a video he shared when he was making pizza.  A very different kind of pizza.  It showed up on FB this morning and motivated me to make one.

Gary and Jen went in to Rochester to see Finn's last football game and I made one of these pizzas for me for dinner.  All the toppings were on a burrito sized tortilla.
Tomatoes, sautéed onions, red peppers and mushrooms, spinach, mozarella cheese and a few shakes of Romano cheese.

Delicious and light.
After dinner, Little Wonder and I went out to do chores.

When Gary got home from the game (around 7:30) I made a pizza for him.
This time I made sure I put more salt on the tomatoes and added extra cheese.
I learned something after making the first one.  Will do this again!


1 comment:

  1. This looks much better than the store bought pizza I brought home. Yum.
    Our yard is high in some spots and not much in others. But looks like it could use a trim especially by the porch where it is so shaggy.


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