Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Post #7208 Another Bonus

Another gorgeous day.  When the sun was rising, it was bouncing off the windows on the house across the street and it was reflected through our living room and into the dining room.

The ponies were happy with the temperature (got up to the low 60s eventually).

After finishing the stalls I dragged all the heavy Rambos out to the fence and will start working on them before they go in the washing machine.  Anything worn by Rebel is a disaster.
I had a 10:30 appointment with the massage therapist and it was perfect timing.  My body was a wreck from all the extra stuff I have been doing.  I thought it was from working on the rock wall, but that was not it.  This morning I put two 40 pound bags of pellets (bedding) in a double wheeled wheel barrow....then I added 6 or 7 small buckets of water and mixed it up with a garden rake.  When I dumped it in Berlin's stall it weighed over 100 pounds.  No wonder I could feel it.
On my way. home I stopped at Country Max to pick up some shavings and after putting them in the feed room..... 

I picked up the rest of the vines from the arena.

Next on the agenda was making a pot of sauce...
and a Rustic Apple Betty pie.  We have not had dessert in ages and I'm going to invite Jenny and Scott up to share it.

I don't think it is possible for us to go more than three weeks without having pasta.

Night all.


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