Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Post #7209. Number 64

I could not ask for a more beautiful day.

After chores Little Wonder and I took a ride down to the bank to make a deposit.

When we got back to the farm I went for my first trike ride of the season.
It felt good.  I only did about 3 miles.

This is my view when I'm almost home.

We had sent our lawn tractor out for spring servicing and got it back today.

I used it to rake the arenas.

Gary has been painting off and on for about three weeks and when he got home today he was ready for a nap.  Sidney joined him until it was time
for dinner, which was leftover pasta and a salad.
And a piece of the rustic apple pie I made yesterday...

One of these days I will have to get in my car and chase the sunset.  This is how it looked out of our living room window before it got dark.
At 6pm we were able to watch the Brockport/Spencerport Varsity Football game on my computer.

Our grandson, Finn, played in the second half tonight.  His real love is baseball, but he and several friends (as Seniors) decided to go out for football, never having played before.
He had an injury earlier, so this was his first chance to play.  I will admit that it was fun to watch him.

Spencerport hammered Brockport, but I'm sure Finn liked having the experience.

Night all.


1 comment:

  1. I wish the guy we purchase our lawn mower from would have made a house call. But hubby says he can change the belt thingy himself as well as the tire.

    We are getting rain and I am doing the happy anti dust dance!


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