Monday, April 5, 2021

Post #7207 Spring Cleaning

A gorgeous day.

Sidney followed us around from place to place.

Little Wonder and I spent at least three hours pulling down vines and cutting weeds around the rope fences and the stone wall in the outdoor arena.

While we were doing that, Sophie was sacked out in the kitty condo on the back porch.

Seymour preferred the old chair in the library.

This dog has some real staying power....even when it is boring.
I'm not done yet, but it sure is starting to look better.

They were working the fields around us today.  Lime?
Dinner was delicious!  Chicken salad on greens topped with poppy seed dressing.

After dinner I joined a zoom session honoring Andrea Perry, who has volunteered in our community for 55 years!  What a trooper!


The committee was unanimous in selecting Andrea Perry as this year’s award-winner. We do so in recognition of a decades-long record of multi-faceted volunteer activity that began when she moved to this community in 1962.  Hannelore “Hanny” Heyen nominated Mrs. Perry and compiled an impressive list of all her volunteer activities.  We also received twelve letters supporting the nomination from people who have worked with Andrea over the years.  Among those who benefitted from Andrea’s community spirit, creativity, doggedness, and leadership was the late Monika Andrews for whom she recruited volunteers in the late 1990’s to build the first handicapped-accessible playground in Monroe County (later named:  Monika Andrews Children’s Park in 2011).  The list of activities that Mrs. Heyen compiled for this indefatigable volunteer includes:  

Wahoo Twig (1960s-70s) fundraiser for Lakeside Hospital wish list, holiday favors for patients

Girl Scouts (70s-80s) Junior Scout leader, campouts, badge work, father/daughter cake auctions

Sunday School at Nativity BVM (70s) initiated/taught program for elementary students

Garden Club(90s-2007) founding member, organized speakers, organized tours of local gardens

Village Parks Committee(90s-16 yrs) chair, surveyed parks, found volunteers, planned upgrades

Morgan Manning House (90s-now) worked fundraisers, assisted tours for 25 years

Brockport Ecumenical Food Shelf (2010-now) delivers groceries, many grocery tasks

Seymour Library (10 years) Friends of Library book sales, After Hours host, Fabrics/Yarn Sale

Emily L. Knapp Museum (4 years) opened for Sunday afternoon visitors, offered tours

Dress-a-Girl Program (2015-now) founded in honor of mother-in-law, Ruth Perry, 27 members

Sweden Senior Assoc (2015-now) attend meetings, report on Dress-a-Girl, more info later 

Souper Bowl (2017-now) suggested this fundraiser, chaired/organized donations, 40 volunteers

Welcome Center (2005-now) greeter Monday 4-6pm, register boaters, hook up boats, bike log

(There were 12 letters of support)

In sum, Andrea is a gift to our community as a leader of important initiatives and as a foot soldier in the efforts of others.  She unquestionably merits the recognition that the Andrews Award provided for all she has done for so many.

(Hi Hanny!)
It has been a pleasure to work with Andrea on many projects and I can't wait to be able to start playing bridge with her and the rest of our crew.

Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the news on Andrea receiving the much deserved award. Kathy


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