Sunday, April 4, 2021

Post #7206 Lake Ontario

Bright sunshine all day long.  Started out in the low 30s and went up to 55 degrees.

After chores I moved the rest of the bamboo over to the brush pile...
and by then it warmed up enough for me to take the blankets off the quartet.
My little sled comes in handy.

Next, I attacked the stone wall in the outdoor arena.  That's going to take some work
as there are a gazillion vines and weeds.

Sophie was enjoying the late morning sun.
After lunch we drove out to Hamlin Beach to take Little Wonder for a walk.

Having grown up on Chautauqua Lake, when we go out to the beach I realize how much I miss living on water.
The temperature at home was in the low 50s, and by the water it was 43.

That late afternoon light told me it was time to make dinner.
Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, a little bit of leftover cauliflower and once again made that jello salad (from the 1940s) with grated carrots and some leftover crushed pineapple.  Weird, but it tasted great.
Evening chore duty.

Going back in the 30s tonight so I put sheets on Berlin
and Rebel.  Can't wait until there are not such big swings in temperature.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. We are headed for a warm and wet week. We badly need the rain so I won't complain at all. It is crunchy in the woods.
    Our nights will be warm as in the 40's and 50's!
    Looks like you have a lot of vines to work on. Uff. Just like the big burdock patch I have to clean up yet!
    Have a great day.


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