Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Post #7195 Like My Swedish Gram Used To Make

The morning started off with some slow, steady rain so I put the hay under the shed roof and hung 3 bags in other indoor spots.

Eventually it stopped, the temperature almost reached 70 and the sun was brilliant.
These are our first flowers and they are beautiful.

I started taking down the bamboo on the other side of the driveway and finished before dinner.
Little Wonder and I took a ride to deliver a loaf of Carina's cinnamon swirl bread to Jenny...

and we also picked up some bedding at Tractor Supply.  My new car is now my farm truck.

Here is what I am talking about.  I bet I was eating this in the late 40s early 50s when we went to my Swedish Gram's for Sunday dinner.  Jello with grated carrots and crushed pineapple topped with a dot of mayo.  We had it for dinner tonight with a leftover casserole and it tasted great!!!
Tomorrow we will have to move the pile of bamboo so it will be in the right place for the Town pickup.
Night all


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