Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Post #7194 Such a Beautiful Stretch of Weather

I sure am loving these sunny days.

After chores I raked the outdoor arena to level it off....

and got the indoor in shape.

Gary made a new step off the back porch and we sat out there for a long time talking about the kitchen garden we will be putting in.  I'm ready to get rid of all the grass and have some nice paths through the veggies.  Could be very cool.

I did some laundry....
Gary and Wonder took a nap....
then I went down to Brockport to do a couple errands.
Checked out a park where She Sings may play during an Arbor Day event.

Out of the blue a new blossom arrived....just one on this very old Christmas Cactus.
Karen rode Elliott this afternoon and by then the temperature went down a little and it turned grey.

Dinner was delicious.
A salad, yams and BBCued country ribs.
Night all


1 comment:

  1. Catching up....wow a nice garden right out the back door would be nice. I can't wait to see it develop.
    I'm looking forward to fresh leaf lettuce and other greens again. Not looking forward to all the prep work by myself though. :)


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