Thursday, March 25, 2021

Post #7196 The King and I

Another gorgeous day.  74 degrees.

More volunteers.

This afternoon Little Wonder and I took a ride to Spencerport so I could make a deposit at the CU.

Gary spent much of the day painting in Hamlin.
Shortly after he got home,  Randy dropped off spring rolls, rice and two dinners from The King and I Restaurant.  He and Roz went there for lunch.  What a feast.  At least two full meals of Thai Dishes.
I had Sesame Chicken and Gary had....
Chicken and Veggies.
I stole a few of his veggies and added a side of banana.
Delicious and so nice for a change.
No time for a nap.  Have a Zoom meeting at 7.
Night all.



  1. That would be the best of the week to have dinner delivered.

  2. Yum, your food is always very appetizing.
    Those sculptures are incredible! I love them. They are in your gardens right?


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